We, the members of Trinity Presbyterian Church, do hereby establish and submit ourselves to the following Constitution as the governing document over the affairs of this local assembly of the Christian Church. In the Church, all things are to be done decently and in order. This pertains to the government of the church as much as to the corporate worship. Convinced that Jesus Christ, the Head of church, will protect and guide her, we seek to obey God’s Word through the following standards for the orderly, biblical government of our congregation. These standards do not supplant Scripture, but rather are an expression of biblical church government under God.
Article I. Name
The name of this congregation shall be Trinity Presbyterian Church Waukesha, WI, hereafter abbreviated as TPC.
Article II. Standards of Faith and Practice
1. TPC is a congregation of Christian believers who have assembled for the following purposes, in keeping with the commands of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ:
2. TPC acknowledges the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the supreme authority in all matters of doctrine and conduct. We uphold the standard of sola scriptura as articulated by the Protestant Reformers, that Scripture is the ultimate and only infallible authority.
3. TPC stands in the distinct religious history of the Reformed churches of the Protestant Reformation. Accordingly, we also uphold the doctrines of sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, and soli Deo gloria, holding that eternal salvation comes by faith alone through grace alone granted by Christ alone for the glory of God alone.
4. As inheritors of that Reformed history, we recognize as our primary creeds and confessional standard of doctrine and life:
5. We also recognize and find useful the following secondary standards, though we defer to our primary standards in any perceived or real disagreement between these standards:
Article III. Organization and Governance
1. As in all matters of doctrine and practice, TPC seeks to govern itself according to the precepts, patterns, and principles found in the Bible. This means that while we recognize the authority of leadership, we first acknowledge its responsibilities. Those responsibilities are primarily to:
a. Uphold biblical standards in the worship and work of the church.
b. Love, teach, and serve as faithful under-shepherds the believers who join our covenant
c. Offer protection, support, correction, encouragement, counsel, and reproof to members
of the congregation as such needs arise.
d. If the Session of elders is engaged in dealing with a member or members in a matter of
discipline, Session recognizes the member or members may request counsel from other churches or Christian counselors. However, while the Session may be advised by or listen to whatever counsel is provided outside of its own, the TPC Session’s ruling in the discipline matter will be the final ruling in the matter.
2. TPC is a member congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC) and submits to the governing authority of the CREC as defined in its Constitution.
3. TPC participates in Tyndale Presbytery of the CREC and is subject to its oversight as defined in the CREC Constitution. As such, any member of TPC may appeal to Tyndale Presbytery should legitimate need arise.
4. Locally, TPC is governed by a Session consisting of teaching elders and ruling elders, to which members agree to obey and submit.
5. The elders of TPC, whether teaching or ruling, shall constitute the Session and also shall serve as the Trustees of the congregation for the purposes of transacting business.
6. TPC operates as a Presbyterian congregation. Specifically, this means we maintain a representative form of church government.
a. Ruling elders are men/ males selected from the membership of the church; approved by the Session; and ordained to their office publicly during a regular worship service.
b. A man may not be placed on the ballot for ruling elder without the unanimous consent of the current Session and without first being examined on his doctrine and life by the Session. Once on the ballot, the man must be confirmed to office by a majority vote of the full roster of member households who are eligible to vote at the time of appointment.
c. This constitution assumes, and the norms of biblical church order requires, that
a plurality of elders oversee this local church. Therefore if there no longer exists a plurality of elders in office, and this cannot in a timely way be supplied, the remaining elder (or the electors of the church, if there are no elders), shall seek the temporary oversight of the elders of a trusted sister church with similar doctrinal standards and practices. The purpose of such an arrangement is to provide care and leadership. Should this arise because an Elder is inactive, he may be asked to become active. When a plurality of resident elders is raised up the oversight arrangement described shall immediately cease.
d. Qualifications of elders include:
e. Responsibilities of elders/ Session include:
f. In addition to the responsibilities listed above, teaching elders are responsible for planning and leading worship (including reading the scriptures, unless he delegates this to an elder or other man in the congregation), and administering the sacraments (Matt 28:19-20;
1 Cor 11:23-26).
g. The moderator of the Session will normally be the minister. The Session will normally meet monthly, but at a minimum quarterly. Meetings shall be announced beforehand at the morning service or listed in the church bulletin. In all meetings of the Session, each has one vote (there is no distinction of rank among the elders). A quorum shall be one-half of the elders serving in office, plus the moderator.
h. Individual elders are responsible for those duties delegated to them by the Session, and recorded in the minutes, with due regard to their gifts and desires. Elders with such a charge will serve willingly, and without domineering in the discharge of their assigned duties (1 Peter 5:1-3). The elders principally function in the government of the church and in teaching and instructing from the Word, and are called to support and care for the
pastor in his ministry.
7. Teaching elders/ pastors are men/ males that may come from the congregation or from another local church, but in all cases must meet the following requirements:
8. One teaching elder will normally hold the additional title of senior pastor.
9. TPC provides a third congregational office, deacon, which is not part of the governing Session, but which carries important responsibilities within the congregation.
i. Showing compassion and mercy toward saints and strangers who are in need or distress.
ii. Collecting and disbursing funds for the relief of the needy.
iii. Organizing and encouraging church members to engage in such services to others.
iv. Caring for the property, grounds, and buildings owned or used by the congregation.
10. Elders and deacons annually affirm the Constitution:
Article IV. Membership
1. Membership in TPC consists of households, defined as:
i. at least 20 years of age (Num 1:2-3, 18, 30ff; 14:29; 26:2, 4; Ex 30:14; 38:26; 2 Chron. 25:5); and
ii. in faithful and regular attendance and in good standing as a communicant member;
iii. in agreement with and must uphold the constitution of TPC including its
Statement of Faith. Any exception to these requirements must be approved by the decision of the Session of elders.
2. Households become members of TPC by:
3. The Session of the church recognizes, through admitting the household into such membership, that the household head is responsible before God for the spiritual condition of that household. Under the headship of Christ, the administration of church ordinances and discipline remains with the Session. However, in such administration, the Session is to respect the spiritual responsibility of the head of the household.
4. Members of TPC carry the following responsibilities:
5. Members participate in the governance of TPC by:
6. Heads of household are eligible to vote by:
7. Conditions for receiving new members into the church:
8. Once membership is established at TPC, a person shall remain a member and under the oversight, rule, and care of the TPC Session unless removed by order of the Session due to death, moral discipline, proper transfer of membership to another church, or upon approved request for release.
Article V. Sacraments
1. TPC acknowledges two sacraments bequeathed to the Church in the Scriptures: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
2. Sacraments are signs and seals of God’s covenant of grace.
Article VI. Discipline
1. The Nature of Discipline
Discipline is a censure or correction that is required of the church by Scripture for the purpose of simple obedience. Church discipline is a matter of unique sensitivity that has historically been neither consistently nor properly conducted, thus bringing reproach upon the church. Discipline will therefore be given serious attention by TPC.
2. Types of discipline
i. Exercising self-discipline; e.g. applying self-correction.
ii. Overlooking, in love, the failings of one another (I Peter 4:8).
iii. Admonishing a brother when necessary (Matthew 18:15).
iv. Taking one or two other witnesses if the admonition is rejected (Matthew 18:16). v. Bringing the issue to the church through the Session if the admonition is rejected (Matthew 18:17).
Formal church discipline is applied through the formal action and unanimous judgment of the elders. Except in cases of scandal requiring immediate action, the pattern of church discipline will generally include formal private admonishment by two or more (Matt. 18:16), formal public admonishment and suspension from the Supper (2 Thess. 3:14-15), and a formal hearing which may result in excommunication (Matt. 18:17). The procedure for formal discipline is described in Appendix B of this Constitution.
i. Communicant Members.
ii. Non-members: Professing Christians who attend TPC regularly but who are not members.
iii. Professing Christians under discipline by other churches: If another church has disciplined one of its members, and that person subsequently comes to TPC, then the Session of TPC will decide whether to honor the discipline of the other church after due consultation with the person concerned and after appropriate information is obtained from the disciplining church.
3. A complaint is a written representation made for a serious grievance other than those that necessitate an accusation and judicial trial. Any member of the church in good standing shall have the right of complaint, provided that the individual attempts discussion and gives due notice to the party against whom the complaint is made. Complaints shall go to the Session, before being referred to any federation, alliance, or denominational entity.
Article VII. Congregational and Heads of Households meetings
1. The Session shall call a congregational meeting annually, for the purpose of reviewing the past year’s progress, and the presentation of the next year’s budget and ministries.
2. Heads of households meetings shall be called by the Session at any time, or whenever 25% of the electors presently attending shall request such a meeting. A meeting shall be held within 4 weeks of receipt of a valid petition requesting it and presented to the Session.
3. No business shall be voted on at heads of households meetings except that which was stated in the call. No business shall be conducted unless a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of at least 25% of the regularly attending electors (although members should attend weekly services with consistency, for the purpose of elector eligibility, less than 3 times in 2 months is not regular attendance.) A two (2) week notice for all meetings shall be given in the church bulletin and/or announced at the morning service(s).
4. The financial report of the prior year & annual budget and pastors compensation, (including benefits) for the coming year will be reported by the Session to the congregation each year.
5. Purchase or sale or real estate, major construction projects, and similar sales or purchases, and denomination, federation, or alliance affiliation or disaffiliation, shall be approved at a heads of households meeting by a majority vote.
Article VIII. Marriage, Sexuality, Gender, and Life
1. As in all other matters governing the faith and life of TPC, our views of marriage, sexuality, gender, and life are informed and commanded by the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Accordingly, we believe that:
2. In addition to our affirmation of God’s plan for marriage and sexuality, we affirm biblical revelation on the value of human life. Accordingly, we believe:
Article IX. Amendments
1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by TPC officers, or by membrs of the congregation presenting proposed amendments to the Session.
2. Procedure for amending the Constitution shall be:
Adopted September 6, 2022
Amended December 3, 2023, Article V, 2b
1. Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope save in His sovereign mercy?
2. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?
3. Have you been baptized in accordance with His Word, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit?
4. Do you swear in the name of God, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, to live in a way that becomes the followers of Christ?
5. Do you swear in the name of God to support the ministry of this Church in its worship to the best of your ability?
6. Do you swear in the name of God to submit yourself to the government and discipline of this Church, and promise to study its purity and peace?
When the questions are addressed to the head of a household, he will also be asked if he speaks on behalf of his household. When an affirmative answer has been given, the members of the congregation will be asked to welcome the individual or household into this covenant relation of membership together with them:
“As a congregation of Christ, do you receive [this Christian/these Christians] into the covenant fellowship of this local church together with you, renewing your membership vows as you do so?”
They will signify agreement with a corporate “Amen.”
Signatures ________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
Procedure of Church Discipline
Any communicant member of a member household, and professing Christians who attend TPC regularly but who are not members, may receive formal discipline by the church. Un-baptized (non-communicant) members of member households may receive pastoral admonishment from the church. If another church has disciplined one of its members, and that person subsequently comes to our church, the elders will decide whether to honor the discipline of the other church after due consultation with the person concerned and after all appropriate information is sought from the disciplining church.
The elders shall establish the specific procedures for all formal discipline on a case-by-case basis, as appropriate to the circumstances and individuals involved. Normally these procedures include a clear and timely warning of the individual that he is in the process of formal discipline, two or three visits or communications involving two or three witnesses, and clear records and/or minutes of the entire proceedings kept by the elders. However, in an unusual situation, the process of excommunication may be either extended or abbreviated at the discretion of the session of elders. In the case an accused person refuses to cooperate with the disciplinary procedure or does not respond to attempts by the elders to contact him, discipline may be conducted by a trial without the presence of the accused.
When the elders determine that a hearing is necessary, they will establish the specific procedures for each trial on a case-by-case basis, as appropriate to the circumstances and individuals involved. However, at minimum these procedures should include informing the accused in writing of the specific charges, the time, place, and date of the trial, and ample time for the accused to prepare a defense.
The heads of households meeting will be informed of the hearing at the first opportunity. At the hearing, one of the elders will present a solemn charge from the Scriptures on the responsibilities of those present, the evidence against the accused will be presented, and the accused will have time to make a reasonable defense, including the right to question any witnesses.
At a separate meeting of the elders, a vote will be taken on each of the charges. The elders will declare their verdict to the congregation on an appointed Lord’s Day, following an appropriate exhortation. The accused will be given a written copy of the verdict.
The elders will establish an official file containing all the records pertaining to the hearing, including all pertinent correspondence, transcripts, and minutes. If he requests it, the accused will be given one copy of this file at the expense of the church. Any appeals to presbytery will be conducted in accordance with the Constitution of the denomination to which TPC belongs.
Excommunication will end when, in the unanimous opinion of the elders, the one under discipline has repented. A confession of this repentance will be read to the congregation on the Lord’s Day, and the elders shall formally announce the end of the discipline and restoration of fellowship.
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